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  Date: 22/02/2024

Gartner Predicts 25% decline in search engine volume by 2026

The trend of declining search engine volume signals a fundamental shift in consumer behavior, with AI chatbots and virtual agents becoming increasingly integral to the digital experience. In support of this trend Gartner finds the landscape of online search is set for a significant transformation, with traditional search engine volume projected to decline by 25% by the year 2026. This shift is attributed to the rising prominence of AI chatbots and other virtual agents, which are set to reshape the dynamics of search marketing. As businesses adapt to this evolving landscape, strategies for tech marketing must evolve accordingly to remain competitive and relevant.

The increasing adoption of AI chatbots and virtual agents is expected to drive a decline in traditional search engine volume. As consumers increasingly turn to these intelligent virtual assistants for information and assistance, businesses must recalibrate their marketing strategies to leverage this trend effectively.

With the proliferation of AI-generated content, there will be a heightened emphasis on the quality and authenticity of digital assets. Search engine algorithms will prioritize content utility and authenticity to ensure meaningful search results amidst the abundance of AI-generated content. Additionally, measures such as watermarking will play a crucial role in authenticating high-value content and complying with evolving government regulations.

Tech marketing tactics will need to adapt to the changing landscape, with a shift towards strategies that prioritize content quality, authenticity, and relevance. Keyword strategy and website domain authority scoring will undergo refinement to align with evolving search engine algorithms and consumer preferences in an AI-driven environment.

As traditional search engine volume faces a projected decline due to the increasing prevalence of AI chatbots and virtual agents, businesses must embrace a new era of tech marketing characterized by a focus on quality, authenticity, and relevance. The Gartner Tech Growth & Innovation Conference, scheduled for March 20-21 in Grapevine, Texas, will provide a platform for discussions and insights into navigating this transformative shift in the digital landscape. By staying attuned to emerging trends and adopting innovative marketing strategies, businesses can position themselves for success amidst the evolving dynamics of online search.

“Organic and paid search are vital channels for tech marketers seeking to reach awareness and demand generation goals,” said Alan Antin, Vice President Analyst at Gartner. “Generative AI (GenAI) solutions are becoming substitute answer engines, replacing user queries that previously may have been executed in traditional search engines. This will force companies to rethink their marketing channels strategy as GenAI becomes more embedded across all aspects of the enterprise.”

“Companies will need to focus on producing unique content that is useful to customers and prospective customers,” said Antin. “Content should continue to demonstrate search quality-rater elements such as expertise, experience, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.”

Gartner clients can read more in “Predicts 2024: How GenAI Will Reshape Tech Marketing.”

Source: Gartner

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